Liz Kadle » Class Schedule

Class Schedule

Mrs. Kadle’s Class Schedule

*Schedule subject to change*


8:30 - Morning Work and meeting 

9:00 - Language Arts

10:00 - Recess

10:20 - Centers Mini Lessons

11:10 - Math 

12:00 - Lunch

12:50 - Clean up and planners

1:00 - Whole school assembly

1:30 - Home 


Tuesday - Thursday

8:30 - Morning Work and meeting 

9:00 - Language Arts

10:00 - Recess

10:20 - Centers

11:10 - Math 

12:00 - Lunch

12:50 - Read aloud

1:15 - Social Studies/Science

2:00 - Art, projects, cursive, and/or catch up

2:30 - PE

3:00 - Home



8:30 - Morning Work

9:00 - Language Arts

10:00 - Recess

10:20 - Centers/Catch up

11:10 - Math 

12:00 - Lunch

12:50 - Read aloud

1:00 - Friday Free Choice

1:30 - Tom

2:00 Social Studies/Science and Clean up

2:30 - P.E.   

3:00 - Home

*Music - 3rd recorders - Mondays and Wednesdays - 9:00 - 9:30   

               3rd violins - Wednesday and Friday 8:30 - 9:00  

               4th violins - Tuesdays and Thursdays -  9:00 - 9:40

*Second Step/Growth Mindset - Wednesdays - 1:30 - 2:00

*Arcata Playhouse - Thursdays - 2:00 - 3:00

*Tom Pexton (Music History) - Fridays at 1:30

*Buddies - TBA